IATSE Local 635 Winston-Salem, NC

Members Section

Welcome to the Jungle

Kudos to Guns n Roses Crew
With around 400 hands on the "Guns n Roses" call, Local 635 sends out our most sincere gratitude to all our sisters & brothers from the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, and beyond. What an impressive display of solidarity and know-how!
Pictured: Zach Stevenson - 635 past Bus Rep and Steel Chief, Stasia Savage - International Representative, Bo Howard - 322 Bus Rep and Payroll Clerk, Paul Valoris - Call Steward Extraordanaire, Fr. Dave Garretson - International Representative, Gabe Tyrrell - 635 past President, Alan Pickelsimer - 635 current President and production chief
  Welcome to the Jungle

Your voice, your choice
We encourage all members to send in any suggestions or feature requests for any section anywhere on the website. Your suggestions and requests are not only welcome, they are essential to the evolution and progress of your website.

Use the music and other copyrighted material responsibly.
Cailen Waddel & Matt Caddenhead
Brothers Matt Cadenhead & Cailen Waddell power up "American Idol"

Local Information
Coming Soon
New Member Packet

If you have questions related to your current status, dues owed or dues payment, contact the Secretary-Treasurer
Around Town
Arts Calendar
Dues Schedule
Dues Payment Schedule, paying your quarterly dues covers your per capita stamps and keeps you in good standing with the Local. Follow the Updated Schedule for 2021 and you will stay up to date with one of your more important financial obligations.

NOTE: Local 635 is no longer using PayPal or Square for dues payments. If you have questions related to your current status, dues owed or dues payment, contact the Secretary-Treasurer. If you would like access to the Secure Members Section, you will need a user name and password for access. Related to access to the Members Section, all previously issued user names and passwords are still valid. If you have not been issued these, please contact the

Tool List
Suggested Tools, if you were wondering what tools you should bring along to the different types of work calls, this list will have all the answers. Never again will you have to wonder what will be needed or ask, "Hey, uhh, can I borrow your C-wrench?"
Dress Codes
Required Dress & Work Rules, will help you know if shorts are OK, if long pants are suggested for safety, black shirt-pants-shoes or coat and tie are required. Demystify the shadowy world of backstage and more with this simple list.

Committee Information, you will be introduced to the various committees, their members and chairpersons. All committees are open to any member of Local 635 and the committee members and their chairs welcome your unique input and encourage your much needed participation.
Guides & Policies
Policy Statements, have been compiled to assist in the development of effective policies and practices of conduct and safety in the work place. We require all members and over hires to read these helpful and informative documents.
Guides & Policies
This is a Secure Members Section, you will need a user name and password for access. If you have not been issued these, please contact the

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